Vardousia is a mountain range with many surprises worth discovering. It is located in central Greece, in the prefectures of Fokidos and Fthiotidos. The highest peak of the mountain range is Korakas with an altitude of 2,495 meters. In fact, Korakas is considered the second highest peak in Central Greece after the Pyramid of Giona. Vardousia is also famous for the Southern Ridge that crosses the entire southern side and is one of the longest, in length, in Greece.
The mountain range is divided into three groups. The northern part is located in the prefecture of Fthiotida and extends from Athanasios Diakos and Artotina to the river Inachos, a tributary of Sperchios. The highest peak in the northern part is the mountain of Chomariani with an altitude of 2,295 meters. The northern side essentially separates Oiti from the rest of Vardousia.
The western part extends from the Meterizia pass to Artotina including the peaks of Pyramida (2,350 meters), Souffles (2,340 meters) and Gidovouni (2,065 meters). The Evinos River originates from the western side of Vardousia.
Finally, the Southern part is the most popular of Vardousia as it is where Korakas is located, the highest peak of the mountain range. The southern part starts from Athanasios Diakos to Lake Mornos and from Diaselo of Meterizia to the river Mornos. Essentially, the southern part is a long ridge that starts from Korakas (2,495 meters) and gradually lowers to Lake Mornos.
Essentially, the southern part is a long ridge that starts from Korakas (2,495 meters) and gradually lowers to Lake Mornos. Important peaks on the southern side are Kokkinias (2,404 meters), Portes (2,413 meters), Ornio (2,287 meters) and Korakia (2,148 meters).
Mornos and Evinos, two rivers that supply water to Athens, originate from Vardousia.
Vardousia is a hiker's paradise as it is famous for its steep edges, ridges and the alpine landscape that you find in many places. In the area you will find many paths that cross Vardousia starting from either Athanasios Diakos, Artotina or Homeriani. You can reach the top of Korakas by crossing the imposing ridge from Koniakos. Also, access to Korakas is made from Athanasios Diakos either from Asanser or from the shelters. The mountain range is also crossed by the European path E4 and connects the villages of Artotina and Athanasios Diakos.
Access to Vardousia can be done via National Road Athens to Thessaloniki from the junction of Bralos and from there via Pauliani you reach the village of Athanasios Diakos. You can also arrive from Amfissa via Lidoriki