Our first map of Parnitha (and 2nd in our publications) was released in 1998, with a background, the then ground-breaking, photo-shaded relief produced with GIS from contour lines digitized from a 1:25000 GIS map (worth (note that GIS was then in its early stages). Other elements of the map, such as roads, toponyms, churches, were partially drawn from GIS maps, while the paths were mapped with moderate accuracy using an altimeter, compass and visual recognition of the relief.

The 1st edition of Mt. Parnitha map with the photo shade relief.

In the next edition of the map, in 2001, we enriched it with more toponyms by working with archival sources (Sarris etc.) and with Nikos Nezis who systematically collected and studied the toponyms of Attica.


The 2nd edition of Mt. Parnitha Map. Beside the hiking map, it contained a brief hiking guide


In 2002 when the GPS system went freely into civilian use we re-recorded all the trails, and corrected the map footprints.
In subsequent editions, we enriched the map with information on the hiking routes, while we mapped the main network of routes as proposed by the Parnitha Forestry Department, highlighting where the signs were placed and where they were not.


The 3rd edition released in 2003.


The 4th edition released in 2006

It is worth noting that the map of the network of paths with the markings on our map was posted on the wall by the Management Body of Parnitha in order to plan the marking works.
In the following years and in each new edition, we updated the map with any new path that came to our attention, while we also monitored the passability of the paths, which we recorded on the map, distinguishing 5 different categories. In fact, in the 2011 edition, the forest fire of 2007 in Western Parnitha was depicted in gray.


On the 5th edition of the hiking map, the wildfire of 2007 was depicted with gray color.
The 6th edition released in 2015


In 2019, we started a collaboration with the Municipality of Phylis and EPOS Phylis, recording in detail all the routes of this area of ​​Parnitha, and the new signage made by EPOS Phylis. We printed a local map and signs that were placed in the town hall and in various parts of the mountain.
Around the same time we started creating our own hiking app for mobile phones, Anavasi mapp, in which the map is available in electronic form along with suggested hiking routes, which are loaded as vectors on top of the map image and accompanied by information and metrics .
In 2022, the collaboration with the Fire Service started to capture the data related to the fires and we are helping the rescue with the help of Anavasi mapp application.

In May 2024 the 9th edition of Mount Parnitha Map was released. The new edition illustrated the burnt area from 2023 wildfires with Western Attica. 

This is the previous edition of Mt. Parnitha map that released in 2021. Moreover, the area of Goura Gorge, Fyli and Thrakomakedones are depicted at scale 1:10.000 on the back side