A brolly is an essential accessory to own during the winter months (and sometimes summer too!). You never know when the heavens will open and the rain will pour so, with this in mind, we’ve created an umbrella that is super handy and portable. This umbrella comes from the Vintage Map collection and ..
The box contains the hiking maps that cover the entire peninsula of Mani in the Peloponnese and the Photobook about Mani. Specifically, the box includes the hiking maps of Exo Mani – Verga – Kardamyli (1:22.000), Mani (1:30.000) and the photobook, Mani – As the Seagull flies...
Get saving with this lovely ceramic Money Box. With the signature retro map print, this terracotta item has the quote 'Saving to go places' on it. Perfect for those with a touch of wanderlust! ..
A small political earth globe.
The globe is made of soft material, squeeze it and it will regain its shape, this is a soft anti-stress ball. It is an ideal gift for young children as it does not break, but also for adults as it allows to canalize stress and to maintain flexibility in the joints o..
Athens, the capital city of Greece, is a place that attracts millions of visitors each year. However, many of these tourists miss out on some of the most important spots that the locals hold dear. They miss out on the opportunity to truly experience the history and past of this remarkable city.
Ιστορικός χάρτης του μείζονος ελληνικού κόσμου στις αρχές του 19ου αιώνα, με τα κύρια γεγονότα της Επανάστασης
Πάνω από 3000 τοποθεσίες: πόλεις και οικισμοί, κάστρα και μοναστήρια, δερβένια και χάνια, γέφυρες και λιμάνια (παλαιές και νέες ονομασίες)
Η Οθωμανική Αυτοκρατορία: διοικη..